"Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake." ! Anonymous

That used to be me... but I am now committing to losing it... no longer can the thin person be sedated... in fact, once she arrives she might be a force to be reckoned with after years in the pantry!

It is offensive to me that many people think overweight people do nothing but eat one goodie and another... I literally have nothing to eat in my refrigerator except eggs. I don't have cupboards full of bon bons... I don't order jumbo pizzas (or any for that matter) and eat them by myself. I don't hoard cookies. I don't eat breakfast, and often don't eat dinner... yet my thin friends eat constantly.

This started out to be my journal to record my journey on Medi Weight Loss Clinic's program - I lost 50 pounds on that program in 4 months... it all came back rapidly when I tried to eat "normal" - as in eating fruits and more carbs...the Dr told me it would but I thought I had it figured out. He told me I probably couldn't go over 1,400 calories a day... surely not! He was right.

Now I'm doing it all over again......without joining Medi Weight Loss - I know what to do without spending over $100 a week.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Well, here I am, two years later and most of my weight is back on because once I lost the weight, I thought I could just go back to eating regular food and watch  what I ate... in the blink of an eye the weight came back!

I went to Florida with my best friend... she said, eat what I eat, you won't gain weight. Deal.

She gained nothing that week and I gained 11 pounds!

I always wondered how she ate so much, now I know... a calorie may be a calorie but how our bodies metabolize them is very different.

I am just getting ready to go back on the wagon... and once I get it off again I will stay on the plan....  I'm not going to keep doing this........... and I have a ton of skinny clothes I want to wear again.

I remember my doctor telling me... when you reach your goal, you will be surprised how few calories you can eat........... said he doubted I could go over 1,400 a day and felt it would be closer to 1,000 to 1,200.  He was right!

So... starting Monday, game plan is back on .. who's going to do this with me?

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