"Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake." ! Anonymous

That used to be me... but I am now committing to losing it... no longer can the thin person be sedated... in fact, once she arrives she might be a force to be reckoned with after years in the pantry!

It is offensive to me that many people think overweight people do nothing but eat one goodie and another... I literally have nothing to eat in my refrigerator except eggs. I don't have cupboards full of bon bons... I don't order jumbo pizzas (or any for that matter) and eat them by myself. I don't hoard cookies. I don't eat breakfast, and often don't eat dinner... yet my thin friends eat constantly.

This started out to be my journal to record my journey on Medi Weight Loss Clinic's program - I lost 50 pounds on that program in 4 months... it all came back rapidly when I tried to eat "normal" - as in eating fruits and more carbs...the Dr told me it would but I thought I had it figured out. He told me I probably couldn't go over 1,400 calories a day... surely not! He was right.

Now I'm doing it all over again......without joining Medi Weight Loss - I know what to do without spending over $100 a week.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Medi Weightloss Clinic - two weeks into it

Two weeks down and I'm 12# thinner! I am back in my jeans I wore at Christmas!

And... I am loving it!

I feel... no, I know, I can and will do this. I will not cheat or drop off the wagon.

If you are reading this and wondering it if is for you... if you have made up your made that you are going to commit to whatever it takes to lose weight, then I think you too will be successful. LIKE ME, YOU HAVE TO BE READY TO DO THIS. No one can want it for you more than you want it for yourself.

Again, no one can want it for you more than you want it for yourself.

For me, counting the days until I had my appointment anc could start, seemed like an eternity. That is how I knew I was ready.

Now, that said... I gorged and filled myself full of carbs right until 10 pm the night before I started. After all, if I didn't eat them, I was going to have to throw them away... not something a carb lover can easily do... and certainly not something an out of control carb lover could do.

As the day approached, I embraced and welcomed the opportunity to change. I knew I had to do something. A year earlier I lost 25 pounds, only to gain all that back and more this winter...and as I was eating myself into a frenzy. I kept wondering, how much can I eat until my pants are too tight? That would be what would stop me... or so I thought.

The day came and not only were they too tight... I could not get my jeans up past my thighs. It seemed the fat reappeared all at once. I was depressed... and angry with myself.

Fortunately, having been through the yo-yo dieting routines in the past, I still had some of my clothes from when I was heavier and they fit. Kind of. Even they were tough to zip... I could not zip the last two inches of my fat dress slacks.

But even that did not stop me. I went to the grocery store and bought veggies and all the fixings for a salad... and two gallons of my favorite ice cream, bagels and cream cheese, a large bag of Doritos and a bag of Reeese Peanut Butter Cups. I never touched the salad fixings, but I ate everything else over the course of 3 days and bought more bagels and cream cheese and consumed that.

I also had fallen in love with very large, rich cookies that were sold in the gift shop at work. Some days I only ate one, other days I ate two.

Tuesday of that week I had a hair appointment. As we always do, my hairdresser and I exchanged our plans to lose our extra weight. She had a plan... to watch what she ate and go to the gym. My plan was to start back on shakes... that's how I lost it in the past and I liked them. As much as I liked them, I was still tempted by real food... it's not realistic to think you can take off the weight on shakes and THEN learn how to eat correctly.

As she was cutting my hair, another hairdressers client came in and she greeted her by name and said she could tell she lost weight. The lady smiled and said, "Yes, 22 pounds in a month - eating regular food, no shakes, nothing pre-packaged." I was amazed.

I quizzed her about her diet. She said it was medically supervised and the easiest thing she's ever done to lose weight. She told me the cost involved... $295 for the initial visit and $80 a week. I said there was no way I would pay that. I'm a single mom who still has a child in college.

She said she has five kids, the oldest is in college and the youngest is 4 and she is in the process of divorce. "How can you afford?" I asked. She said, "how can I afford not to do it? If I develop a health issue, it's going to cost me a lot more than this and I have to be healthy to work and take care of 5 kids on my own."

I told her I understood, but I didn't. Not yet. I swore under my breath that I'd just do it on my own and not pay anyone to weigh me.

As she was leaving, she handed me a card for $25 off the initial visit and said, "I hope you do it - it's easy and you are not hungry."

As I crawled into bed that evening, after eating yet more ice cream, I decided that I too need to be here for my kids and as healthy as possible. I decided to look at it differently, not as money spent but as money invested in my future, and my sons.
And I said to myself something I don't think I've ever said to myself in the past.

I said. "You're worth it."

Then I closed my eyes and tried to justify it again and again until I believed those words.

Two weeks later, I am 12 pounds lighter... and my BMI even dropped a point.
No hunger.

What I really appreciate about the staff is how personable they are.... and how encouraging they are.

I know if I give my all for 12 weeks, it was change my life... and I plan to stay until I reach my desired size.

They did not set a goal for me. They said that was entirely up to me.

I decided to set small goals for myself.

The first goal - getting back into my jeans. Just two weeks later.

My next goal is the 20# mark. Once I get there I will set the next one.

In a couple weeks it will be warm to stay, hopefully I will be able to wear the slacks I wore last summer by that time. If not, I will stay the course until I do.

In two weeks I've lost more than I ever did after months of being on Diet Workshop or Weight Watchers.

And, they upped my calories by 200 calories. Imagine getting your calories increased so you lose more weight? I'm still apprehensive about that but it is a science and they know what they are doing.

This is working for me. It will work for you too, if you work it.

1 comment:

  1. Medi Weight Loss OrlandoVery well said. These tips are really amazing. I appreciate it for sharing them.
