"Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake." ! Anonymous

That used to be me... but I am now committing to losing it... no longer can the thin person be sedated... in fact, once she arrives she might be a force to be reckoned with after years in the pantry!

It is offensive to me that many people think overweight people do nothing but eat one goodie and another... I literally have nothing to eat in my refrigerator except eggs. I don't have cupboards full of bon bons... I don't order jumbo pizzas (or any for that matter) and eat them by myself. I don't hoard cookies. I don't eat breakfast, and often don't eat dinner... yet my thin friends eat constantly.

This started out to be my journal to record my journey on Medi Weight Loss Clinic's program - I lost 50 pounds on that program in 4 months... it all came back rapidly when I tried to eat "normal" - as in eating fruits and more carbs...the Dr told me it would but I thought I had it figured out. He told me I probably couldn't go over 1,400 calories a day... surely not! He was right.

Now I'm doing it all over again......without joining Medi Weight Loss - I know what to do without spending over $100 a week.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

OK ... Let's get serious and get the flab off - Something NEW worked for me and Might Work for YOU!

And it worked BIG TIME!  

Another holiday season over prompted me to clean out closets, drawers, etc.... and I decided that my "skinny clothes" from a couple years ago were taking up too much room in my closets and drawers so I put them in the rubber totes to, umm, you know, "store them until I get back into them". Sigh. It was sooooo depressing to see 3 tubs of pretty clothing I could no longer wear.

New Year's Eve I decided I'd eat whatever I wanted to on the New Year's Day and then the next day the great diet effort of 2015 would begin. I ate chips, peanuts, fruit, chocolate, pizza.... all the things that I would not taste until late spring... summer...?

I spent most of the day researching essential oils for weight loss since I've become a firm believer in essential oils. I once was a HUGE skeptic but since I've embraced them they've changed my life in many ways.

Until I started using them I was a hopeless insomniac -  now I go to sleep with the help essential oils.

I used to have bottles of TUMS close by at all times.... since I used DiGize Essential oil, which eliminated the pain within minutes,  I don't use TUMS at all .... and my heartburn episodes have greatly decreased.

I store my stress in my neck and upper back........ painful. Using essential oils to eliminate that has been a God-send.

I just completed a week long egg fast and lost an incredible amount of weight (unless I turn out to be a diabetic - another week will tell the tale) with the help of essential oils.

I love them because THEY WORK.  All bodies are different so what works for me may not work for you but once you find one that is a solution for what ails you, you will be hooked.

I diffuse them to purify the air... I use them in spa type products and homemade soap, for cooking, and for cleaning products.

I just did an Egg Fast - there are no hard and fast rules, it's basically set up to follow what a man did to lose a large chunk of weight after being stalled on a Low Carb High fat diet. In a nutshell,  3 - 7 days of  high fat, low carb, mainly eggs.  For every egg you have one TBSP butter ( or cheese) up to 9 eggs a day. If you don't eat all your butter you can have one ounce of cheese  in place of one ounce of butter.  In addition to that I used essential oils that work for weight loss on many people and had a huge weight loss.  I posted that to a weight loss blog and got kicked off because the moderator said essential oils don't work. Ahem. I beg to differ with her and I have the medical and scientific links to prove it.

So, do your own thing with those guidelines.... the video on this blog from the doctor who manages the program at Duke talks about the same thing, how fat is good for the body when you're dieting. If you have not watched those yet, you really should.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/AmazingEggFast/  Come join us!

I started a Facebook group with all this information  on it, including the protocol I used.

If you don't know about Essential Oils, it's a good time to learn... if you are interested in getting into them, I'm happy to help.... if you just want to do the egg diet and get recipes that's fine too. I'll be adding more recipes soon... please bare with me.


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