"Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake." ! Anonymous

That used to be me... but I am now committing to losing it... no longer can the thin person be sedated... in fact, once she arrives she might be a force to be reckoned with after years in the pantry!

It is offensive to me that many people think overweight people do nothing but eat one goodie and another... I literally have nothing to eat in my refrigerator except eggs. I don't have cupboards full of bon bons... I don't order jumbo pizzas (or any for that matter) and eat them by myself. I don't hoard cookies. I don't eat breakfast, and often don't eat dinner... yet my thin friends eat constantly.

This started out to be my journal to record my journey on Medi Weight Loss Clinic's program - I lost 50 pounds on that program in 4 months... it all came back rapidly when I tried to eat "normal" - as in eating fruits and more carbs...the Dr told me it would but I thought I had it figured out. He told me I probably couldn't go over 1,400 calories a day... surely not! He was right.

Now I'm doing it all over again......without joining Medi Weight Loss - I know what to do without spending over $100 a week.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Diet Continues

I've just finished my 5th week on the diet and have lost 18.5 pounds of fat and 3.5 pounds of water ( Get the scale that measures this, it's worth it)


I had good intentions to blog my way through the first weeks of this diet but I could not.  It was hard but not impossible.  I lost 9 # the first week!  Of course, a lot of that was water...

It seemed like all I ever did was measure portions, eat and swallow vitamins and supplements.  The first week is only 500 calories of protein.... and I realized how often I would reach for food when I wasn't even hungry.!
I was also very tired as my body adjusted to this new way of eating.

Week two brought the addition of MORE CALORIES ... AND .. veggies ( 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked) twice a day or  once  a day with a half cup of berries. I try to avoid fruit because I love it too much and don't have that much self control.  I am now eating 675-700 calories a day in just protein, then adding the veggie, fruit and healthy fats on top of that... and losing more weight than I ever did fasting or on any other diet!

Week two also requires you add a good fat, like from nuts....  I could not leave them alone so I quickly tossed them in the trash and poured Comet on top of them.... since I could not be trusted.

The BEST thing about this diet is........ the appetite suppressant!  I can't begin to tell you how much I like it...
and how it makes me feel...very early into the diet I had an epiphany........  I FELT LIKE I REMEMBERED FEELING WHEN I WAS YOUNG!   I had energy... no urge to eat between meals.... not sluggish..... it was and is the best feeling.... to be able to look at food and just say no....it's bad for me and I'm not really hungry..

I am known for my lack of will power and failed diets. So far, I'm still sticking to this one and loving it... if I can do it, you can do it.  Make your mind up and do it.  As Yoda says, "Do. There is no try."

I'm paying $80 a week....yes, that is a LOT of money... so I am more motivated not to cheat... but the biggest reason I am not cheating is because I don't want to let me down.

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