"Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake." ! Anonymous

That used to be me... but I am now committing to losing it... no longer can the thin person be sedated... in fact, once she arrives she might be a force to be reckoned with after years in the pantry!

It is offensive to me that many people think overweight people do nothing but eat one goodie and another... I literally have nothing to eat in my refrigerator except eggs. I don't have cupboards full of bon bons... I don't order jumbo pizzas (or any for that matter) and eat them by myself. I don't hoard cookies. I don't eat breakfast, and often don't eat dinner... yet my thin friends eat constantly.

This started out to be my journal to record my journey on Medi Weight Loss Clinic's program - I lost 50 pounds on that program in 4 months... it all came back rapidly when I tried to eat "normal" - as in eating fruits and more carbs...the Dr told me it would but I thought I had it figured out. He told me I probably couldn't go over 1,400 calories a day... surely not! He was right.

Now I'm doing it all over again......without joining Medi Weight Loss - I know what to do without spending over $100 a week.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Macronutrients are the main components of our diet and our body CAN NOT make them so we need to get them in our diet.

Our bodies require others nutrients as well, such as vitamins and minerals. However, these are needed in much smaller quantities, and thus are referred to as micronutrients. 

The 3 macronutrients of protein, fat, and carbohydrates are needed in the diet as each of these  perform essential roles in the human body..

Of the 3 primary macronutrients – protein, fat, and carbohydrates, only 2 of these are essential to sustaining human life - Protein and Fat

 Carbohydrates are not necessary to sustain life. Carbohydrates do provide glucose and energy that the body uses, but the body can also derive its energy from fats and protein.

Essential Fatty Acids

Not all fats are created equally. While many different types of fat have their benefits, only the essential fatty acids (EFAs) are required. This is because the body cannot synthesize them.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids need to be ingested through your diet, and odds are, the majority of the worlds population get nowhere near the amounts they need to be considered optimal.

Essential Amino Acids

Protein is made up of amino acids – the building blocks of life. They are essential to many of the body’s important functions. One of these functions is to provide energy for the brain. Your body cannot manufacture all the different amino acids, therefore, it needs to obtain its essential amino acids from your diet.
In the absence of carbohydrates, the brain needs to find glucose to operate. There’s a reason why people get foggy headed when they haven’t eaten in a while or while they are on a low carb diet. The brain needs glucose to perform its functions. But where does it get glucose if no carbohydrates are ingested? It gets it from protein through a process called gluconeogenesis.

So what happens when you don’t get carbohydrates or protein you ask? The body still needs glucose. Well there is another source of protein the body can use. 

In the absence of carbs and protein, the body turns to itself for fuel. Protein is the most plentiful substance in our bodies. Muscles are made of protein. Organs, skin, eyes and hair – they are all made up of protein. The body starts breaking down these tissues to fuel itself. It slowly eats away until it reaches the point it can no longer sustain itself.

The first step to a healthy diet is to first give your body what it needs to survive.  Essential fatty acids and protein (specifically the essential amino acids) should be staples in your diet if you want to reach your goals.

So eat some healthy meat and grab a handful of nuts. Your body will thank you.

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